#APQuestions for Every Government Official
An open and transparent request to all government officials serving all territories of the world.
These questions address issues considered to be among the most important of our time.
The AP platform fundamentally mandates communication and legislative acknowledgment for every person, across every geopolitical border.
Through global cooperation and fair capitalization of modern technologies our greatest challenges can be met.
These questions address issues considered to be among the most important of our time.
The AP platform fundamentally mandates communication and legislative acknowledgment for every person, across every geopolitical border.
Through global cooperation and fair capitalization of modern technologies our greatest challenges can be met.
Persistent dialogue between civilians and their respective leaders is essential to the progress of democracy.
- As a government official do you believe you have a duty to respond to all reasonable inquiries from the people you represent?
- Do you believe your position as an official community leader ever requires accountability to people outside your territory?
- Do you believe your actions while in government office should be subject to redress should your public disapprove?
- Do you believe every human deserves the inherent right of basic food, water, shelter, health, education, employment, and emergency alerts or services?
- Do you believe current monetary and trade systems permit equal access to income and opportunity for all humans worldwide?
- Do you believe the measured effects of climate change require urgent action by government officials and business leaders to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
- Do you support current levels of military spending and regulations on the international arms trade as they stand today?
- Do you believe all intellectual property should have a time-limited ownership period and eventually be owned by the public?
- Do you believe all citizens should have the ability to cast their ballots over the Internet should a secure system be made available and do you think the public has the right to audit election returns?
- Do you believe humans will ultimately leave Earth to explore, colonize and occupy any of the thousands of planets discovered in the last few years?