Courage is a skill that takes much practice. First, align your will against injustice.
Help those who have little to wear or to eat, help give a voice to those who are voiceless. Help those who have been disposed of, displaced, disconnected and forgotten.
Show fortitude and generosity today so that people can follow your actions first and then what you say; help share your wisdom and best practices from lessons learned yesterday. Know yourself, know your friends, know your enemies and lead the way.
It takes a certain kind of grit to help annihilate injustice. It takes a long focus to provoke generational change. It takes a certain kind of maturity and wisdom to realize that there is no one - nor has there ever been - anyone, above or below you in worth.
99.9% genetically similar: We are human first - not us or them - not Republican or Democrat, not Independent - we are human first.
How we feel about each others’ opinions is not our choice, but how we act upon those feelings, and work together toward the Greater Good and survival of our Human Family is. Political tribes may exist, but best practices exist between us.
Disagreement is inevitable, and it is only the wisest of us who learn to share dialogue with “the others.” True change only happens when we stop and listen to each other, and nurture dialogue, especially with those whom we believe may not be doing something “right.”
Good people have selflessly fought and died against intolerance; fought, bled, been maimed and died violent deaths so that our generation - and future generations - can disagree in peace, with the basic freedoms to think and express ourselves without censorship.
A Human Family with equal freedom among us, to maintain and express our individual opinions, as it should be, even if we disagree. Let us not deface the sacrifices of those who selflessly fought and died for our freedom to disagree. Let us not deface their sacrifice with violent hypocrisy; let us honor their sacrifice with civil diplomacy.
There is no one answer that will give us all happiness, and there are many different ways for all of us to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Socially fractured as we may seem, there are many common threads between us.
As a representative and candidate for The Altruist Party, it is my objective to help manifest many of these common threads, to nurture dialogue instead of divide, and constant improvement, despite so many apparent differences.
True leadership is only possible when character is more important than authority. It is character - not money, not position - that turns seemingly average individuals, teammates, coaches, administrators, directors, supervisors, judges, legislators, executives, prime ministers and presidents into true leaders.
If we learn to strengthen and reinvent ourselves and our communities, and recognize the many intersecting things that impact each and every one of our lives, we can accomplish much more in good consideration - much faster - than any one of us could ever accomplish on our own; provisional altruism over selfishness, collaboration over monopoly or duopoly.
Just as the invention of the telescope allowed us to look out into the Universe, the Internet has allowed us to look within.
What we see is that social hierarchy is social cancer; extreme narcissism, elitism, ethnocentrism, social and political Darwinism...all infections, poisoning our lives, our families and faith in one another.
What so-called “leader” mutes their population when they have the means to amplify them?
What so-called civilization stands-by while egomaniac-driven “leaders” bully, torture, bomb and kill other fellow humans worldwide?
What sort of society worships savage narcissism and false celebrities that bitch-and- moan about pettiness in the faces of those who truly suffer?
What foolish culture bypasses, discards and disrespects the wisdom of its elderly?
What kind of generation allows the spirit of its youth to be worn thin and drained hopeless, traumatized by endless deployments to endless wars to acquire what it needs in other peoples’ lands?
To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace. To stand by and not help from any angle is a disgrace.
In maturity and wisdom we begin to see, side-by-side with one another:
There are no poor and incapable.
There are no disabled.
There are no elderly and unable.
There are only those who are “differently-abled.”
Not us or them - Not Republican, Democrat or Independent, not conservative or liberal - but human first, sharing the same footing on this same beautiful Earth as you.
If you ever feel lost, bullied, hopeless, terrorized or in despair, just look for the helpers.
If you ever feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the sheer numbers of those in despair, just look into the eyes of one person who needs help and lead the way.
Always remember: Nothing can keep a good person down, and you can only keep good people working together down for so long.
Long Live Everyone’s Freedom of Voice.
In Good We Trust.
Help those who have little to wear or to eat, help give a voice to those who are voiceless. Help those who have been disposed of, displaced, disconnected and forgotten.
Show fortitude and generosity today so that people can follow your actions first and then what you say; help share your wisdom and best practices from lessons learned yesterday. Know yourself, know your friends, know your enemies and lead the way.
It takes a certain kind of grit to help annihilate injustice. It takes a long focus to provoke generational change. It takes a certain kind of maturity and wisdom to realize that there is no one - nor has there ever been - anyone, above or below you in worth.
99.9% genetically similar: We are human first - not us or them - not Republican or Democrat, not Independent - we are human first.
How we feel about each others’ opinions is not our choice, but how we act upon those feelings, and work together toward the Greater Good and survival of our Human Family is. Political tribes may exist, but best practices exist between us.
Disagreement is inevitable, and it is only the wisest of us who learn to share dialogue with “the others.” True change only happens when we stop and listen to each other, and nurture dialogue, especially with those whom we believe may not be doing something “right.”
Good people have selflessly fought and died against intolerance; fought, bled, been maimed and died violent deaths so that our generation - and future generations - can disagree in peace, with the basic freedoms to think and express ourselves without censorship.
A Human Family with equal freedom among us, to maintain and express our individual opinions, as it should be, even if we disagree. Let us not deface the sacrifices of those who selflessly fought and died for our freedom to disagree. Let us not deface their sacrifice with violent hypocrisy; let us honor their sacrifice with civil diplomacy.
There is no one answer that will give us all happiness, and there are many different ways for all of us to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Socially fractured as we may seem, there are many common threads between us.
As a representative and candidate for The Altruist Party, it is my objective to help manifest many of these common threads, to nurture dialogue instead of divide, and constant improvement, despite so many apparent differences.
True leadership is only possible when character is more important than authority. It is character - not money, not position - that turns seemingly average individuals, teammates, coaches, administrators, directors, supervisors, judges, legislators, executives, prime ministers and presidents into true leaders.
If we learn to strengthen and reinvent ourselves and our communities, and recognize the many intersecting things that impact each and every one of our lives, we can accomplish much more in good consideration - much faster - than any one of us could ever accomplish on our own; provisional altruism over selfishness, collaboration over monopoly or duopoly.
Just as the invention of the telescope allowed us to look out into the Universe, the Internet has allowed us to look within.
What we see is that social hierarchy is social cancer; extreme narcissism, elitism, ethnocentrism, social and political Darwinism...all infections, poisoning our lives, our families and faith in one another.
What so-called “leader” mutes their population when they have the means to amplify them?
What so-called civilization stands-by while egomaniac-driven “leaders” bully, torture, bomb and kill other fellow humans worldwide?
What sort of society worships savage narcissism and false celebrities that bitch-and- moan about pettiness in the faces of those who truly suffer?
What foolish culture bypasses, discards and disrespects the wisdom of its elderly?
What kind of generation allows the spirit of its youth to be worn thin and drained hopeless, traumatized by endless deployments to endless wars to acquire what it needs in other peoples’ lands?
To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace. To stand by and not help from any angle is a disgrace.
In maturity and wisdom we begin to see, side-by-side with one another:
There are no poor and incapable.
There are no disabled.
There are no elderly and unable.
There are only those who are “differently-abled.”
Not us or them - Not Republican, Democrat or Independent, not conservative or liberal - but human first, sharing the same footing on this same beautiful Earth as you.
If you ever feel lost, bullied, hopeless, terrorized or in despair, just look for the helpers.
If you ever feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the sheer numbers of those in despair, just look into the eyes of one person who needs help and lead the way.
Always remember: Nothing can keep a good person down, and you can only keep good people working together down for so long.
Long Live Everyone’s Freedom of Voice.
In Good We Trust.